Sunday, January 31, 2010

Strawberries as Spiritual Food

The Pomo and other North Coast tribes in California considered strawberries as a spiritual food (as well as acorns). They had many plants that they considered to be spiritual. Because strawberries were native to this area they had ceremonies pertaining to eating these delicious native foods. In May you can visit Anderson Marsh State Park and they have a strawberry festival, with dancing and ball games. They invite the public to these ceremonies and it is interesting. The Southestern Pomo have another game that they play by using halves of black walnuts filled with pitch and small pieces of abalone shell. The women played this game for several days and night.

Srawberries were eaten during special ceremonies and there were a variety of species in northern California. The strawberry festival occurred in the spring as the bessing of the first fruits.

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