Saturday, January 30, 2010

Healed of Arthritis

I have been healed of arthritis by a process coach. This happened about 3 years ago when I started to see my coach. I began to heal my past lives and I cried so many tears when I thought of all of the Native American wifes that have had to live with their drunken mates. I had applied as a coach to the Indian Health Clinic on Stonypoint Road here. I began to wonder why so many Native Americans drink beer and liquor. I heard from my coach that it suppresses their past lives that have tremendous feelings in different parts of our bodies. We are just spirits here healing on Earth. Many people do not believe that they have had past lives. But we have all had past lives - many thousands of years. I believe that we reincarnate as people or animals or insects or reptiles.

Luckily I am able to hike for many miles. I am interested in attracting clients to my website and we will have fun and ecoadventures at Bishop's Ranch. My arthritis in my knee and in my toe has been healed as well as my frostbitten toes. I am grateful of that!

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