Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Nightly Walks

I make it a habit of walking at night in order to keep myself physically fit. I walk at least 6 miles at night in order to keep myself physically fit. It helps keep me focused on the environment and the changes in the weather. I am sensitive to the smells and the wind. The nights here during the winter can be cold and rainy. Last night there was a terrific storm and I got soaking wet. The prehistoric Indians must have had many fires burning in their wikiups during the winter! I see many flocks of birds here and listen to the spirits of various animals that I have seen at night.

Night time is also a good time to walk since it keeps your skin from burning in the sun. I bundle up and know that there will be no harm coming to me that I cannot deal with even in the city. I used to walk around towns even after I had done many miles of surveys during the day! I was quite an athlete and guess I will still be one as I give tourists lectures outdoors even during the winter.
I have retreats where we go on visions quests and at other times we walk at a moderate pace with planned stops so that everyone can hear my lectures. I enjoy being a kinesthetic teacher.

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