Sunday, March 14, 2010

Healdsburg Ridge Preserve

Today I have walked about 6-8 miles. I walked to the 400 acre preserveopen space preserve in Healdsburg. The soil was quite muddy and I scrambled up the ridges- I should have worn my thick waterproof boots. But I managed to jump past the muddy areas. When you pass through poison oak you need to wash your clothing and take a shower in order to avoid ticks and getting posion ivy.

It was a very hot day and I sweated alot. The preserve has a great view (360 degrees)of the Russian River and has many ponds. Many of the trails are dirt deer trails. I only saw and heard woodpeckers and a group of black birds and other jays.

The trails only cover about 4 miles total and they are moderately steep. I met about 6 people on the trails today. Many were wearing rain boots.

I picked a medicinal herb which was in abundance there. There are many old oak trees with woodpecker holes - a beautiful piece of country and silent from the noise of traffic.

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