Sunday, November 1, 2009


I walked about 1 1/2 miles to church today and tears came from my eyes for some unknown reason. It was all Saint's Day at church. We witnessed about 6 baptisms and the Priest Gail used olive oil and water to baptize both babies and adults. They served a fancy cake in honor of those folks baptized. The kids at this church are dressed in white gowns and they carry crosses around their necks. They light oil candles and have to be in the alter as the hymns are sung and the lesson is told. The children in the church are very respectful of each other and they are asked to sit upon the floor as the Priest tells them a story - today it was that we are all Saints - as we believe in God.

I sat by a Native American lady from Nebraska and I spoke to her about my past lives. She said she had heard about people having past lives but she didn't believe in it. We all have had past lives, and we are all spirits healing upon this earth. Some of us upon death become insects, some of us become different animals, and some of us become humans again. And I and my husband have traded souls for 2000 years.

I have worked on the garden of the church cleaning up many trees and putting in much compost and digging out the weeds. This church needs to recycle their waste into different bins - paper and cans in one container and food waste into a compost pile. Again many people and companies use too many styrofoam products. I will be teaching the youngsters about this when I work as "Frannie Oakley" at schools.

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