Thursday, October 9, 2008

Being in Peace with Nature

I have never seen a more unusual summer - for the most part the acorns still have their caps on and the are minuscule compared to last year. What's happening - any biologists out their on the web - please let us know? I believe very strongly that their are shamans controlling all of us and the weather - and because this is a very cool summer that the harvest of acorns - the BIG TIMES will be delayed. Have you ever seen the Pomo as they danced with their bird feathered costumes at Point Reyes, or at Anderson March - wouldn't it be wonderful to attend their dances this year and ask them what they may know about the weather or to speak to a shaman as some anthropologists I know must have by now. Have you seen a much more perfect place to have a hike than at Bishop's Ranch or Spring Lake Park? Come join me in celebrating a BIG TIME this year and keep those replies coming in. I love to hear from all my past clients.

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