Saturday, November 28, 2009


I was entertained by going to the 6th Street Theatre Improve last night for a refreshing type of comedy. I sat by the producer's 3 children. (I remember enjoying some classes at this location by an Improve teacher in order to overcome my fear of speaking in public around 16 years ago. It was a great way to express your emotions and who you are).

This program was all ad lib and they asked the audience questions in order to find ways to act out the words or phrases the audience presented. It was exactly like "Whose Line Is It?". There were about 10 actors who kept a fast pace of acting out their expressions for the words the audience gave them. Sometimes they sang and sometimes they interupted each other and sometimes they danced. The actors were very imaginatary in their performances. They had a young man playing an electronic piano to add rythym to their scenes. It was a very exciting and fast flowing night of jazzy and percolating humor. Everyone had a great time.

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