Thursday, October 30, 2008


This week I visited my brother in San Francisco and decide to sight see at Fisherman's Wharf to watch the swimmers and to talk to all the people who were reenacting the 19th century on the 5 schooners docked at the bay. I even met a couple of very nice men who had sailed from China and had replicated and built a Chinese junk - a total of eight men sailing the storms and keeping their goal in sight and enjoying each others company. One Chinese man served me tea, but it was a black tea I didn't care for. They had a nice hands on and experiential boat where anyone could be involved in stepping upon the vessel and having a tea party.They said their next port stop was in San Diego and then to Hawaii I believe. What braveness I thought to sail all the way around the world on those rough seas and the cold waves, wind and whales - I was remembering the movie the Whalewatcher which had a young girl riding the whales on the sea to save the life of some whales in New Zealand. One young American told me his story of being self educated in nature and living his entire life on the sea and docking at various ports - free of charge - a sort of living museum interpretive display. He spoke fluent Chinese and had never been to formal school. Their sering tea is a welcoming gesture , as it is for many oriental cultures. God has provided for them as they have of course many adventures on the sea, and have encountered many storms.

They live their entire life on the ocean and it reminded me of my life as an archaeologist - being free in nature and letting nature speak to me. I can't imagine living my entire life at sea - I SURE KNOW THEY DO NOT HAVE NATURE DEFICIT DISORDER I love the land and you may say that I am a land lubber havingf hiked over 1000 miles some months as an archaeologist.

They reminded me of the ancient tribes in Hawaii or those folks who came across from Russian across the Bering Strait that made their catch of the day using dugout canoes from KOA wood
or Redwood as the Yurok use in northern California.

It was quite an exploration for me as I have been trying my best to collect local friuts and nuts locally in Sonoma County and haven't left the county much in the past eight months.

Till next time - have a safe trick or treat.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Being in Peace with Nature

I have never seen a more unusual summer - for the most part the acorns still have their caps on and the are minuscule compared to last year. What's happening - any biologists out their on the web - please let us know? I believe very strongly that their are shamans controlling all of us and the weather - and because this is a very cool summer that the harvest of acorns - the BIG TIMES will be delayed. Have you ever seen the Pomo as they danced with their bird feathered costumes at Point Reyes, or at Anderson March - wouldn't it be wonderful to attend their dances this year and ask them what they may know about the weather or to speak to a shaman as some anthropologists I know must have by now. Have you seen a much more perfect place to have a hike than at Bishop's Ranch or Spring Lake Park? Come join me in celebrating a BIG TIME this year and keep those replies coming in. I love to hear from all my past clients.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I have been enjoying the unusually cool weather this summer - I hope it is an Indian summer and that all those acorns without their caps on become full grown - has anyone else noticed how small the acorns are this year on the Valley Oaks? It is a strange mystery of nature how the shamans controlled the weather and made the acorns spirit people - keep reading my blog to find out; or better yet join me on an eco-adventure. I was on TV and radio "The Morning Show" on Monday KSVY 91.3 AM which is in Sonoma, CA. That was quite fun as my mom was also on radio and TV and I remember her telling me how much she wanted to be an actress during the Depression.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Day on the Russian River

I thoroughly enjoyed canoeing on a stretch of the Russian River for the annual CleanUp with a group of wonderful Sonoma State University students. Several boats tipped over minutes after trying to navigate some rapids and had a wet but exciting adventure. I love spending time in nature listening to the ripples of water spashes and wondering where my next turn may take me. Avifauna along the river is wonderful this time of year and the weather was hot but enjoyable. We saw white herons, a peregrin falcon, and numerous teals and sand birds. The stretch between Geyserville to Healdsburg remains very much undeveloped. The canoes we used were from River's Edge and were quite stable - all in all such a relaxing and enjoyable trip. Thank you to the team who organizes this great efffort! I'm sure to be back agin.